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Citizen Switchboard

Many campaigners have landed in the wrong organization. You may be one of them, you may know some in your group very well. It is unsurprising as so many of us count ourselves lucky to have found a group at all, and because most of our groups have been censored or negatively portrayed.


Let’s be honest. It’s in no decent person’s interest to hinder a person who wants to work, in finding the place where they will be most effective and fulfilled. While cooperation is important between campaigning organizations, facilitating recruitment and transference of members is of paramount importance to most of us.


Citizen Switchboard is a matching service for campaigners and organizations. It’s straightforward enough. We design a questionnaire and we categorize all the organizations. We can correct and refine as we go.


A simple method to proceed would be that we form a company, build a website, and ask a member from every participating group to act as liaison with the operator. Costs should be minimal, and met by donations from the groups who use the service. The data should be confidential.


A questionnaire might look like this;

CITIZEN SWITCHBOARD (orientation questionnaire)



  1. Which of the following issues concern you? (pick as many as you feel strongly about)


  1. What are your skills? (pick as many as you are willing to use for the causes you want to work on)


  1. Where do you live?


  1. How many hours per week do you want to campaign?


  1. Do you have a website or a social media page which you already use to fight causes?


  1. Do you have a business you believe operates ethically? (we will promote this)

...and the flyer might look like this -


Want to be part of the project? - email

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