10 Billion States

All of the work done here is based on the premise that we need a form of legislation which satisfies everybody possible. The title 10 billion states simply suggests that there is more room to grow, but not very much. We have to deal with all our political questions in this generation. We have to ensure that if there are tough decisions to be taken, there will at least be no chance of a small group of people making them for us. Of course if you are paying attention, you know that this has already started!
Essentially the principle of 10 Billion States is that we each own our own legislation - we are our own government. The agreement we make together in forming 10 Billion States is to commonly protect the right of everybody equally to self legislate - whatever their politics. One protects all. All protect one. Everybody is responsible for their own law and it's consequences. 10 Billion States aims to (and pledges to) provide the best in class advice on forming legislation, universally.