The Bring and Fly Pamphlet Party
You're downtown hustling and you see some other protestors with an entirely different gig. You probably see them every week and maybe you've conversed. Sure you have some points of contention but don't you also have a common opponent? Isn't it time you called a meeting in your town and came away with new allies instead of old arguments? Here's how.
1. Get a hall or a big room
2. Invite every active organization in your town to bring 2 delegates and all of their literature
3. Put a table out for each delegation's literature
4. Have one delegate from each group stay at their table and the other to circle the room in a speed dating style
5. Explain to each delegate you talk to what your leaflets etc. are for
6. Put a tick in the box if that delegate agrees their group will carry a given piece of literature
7. After the speed dating is done, figure out how you will distribute your literature, if you have it online this is easier, though there will be an issue of paying for prints.
8. You now have your literature being distributed by more teams and you have a culture of referrals. We will all end up where we are supposed to be and nobody compromised their belief because carrying your literature was their choice.