Welcome to
100s of genres
1000s of characters
Millions of stories!
Live them here.
We’re a social network for unpublished fictional characters. Here you will be able to build a profile for characters from your writing projects so they can network among other imaginary beings.
We work hard on developing our characters, continually. so why not make them famous at the same time as we create their history?
Pagelife is a multi-verse playground and waiting room for future famous fictions.
We have rules. Read them here.
Pagelife is considering many types of funding. Below is a link to the investment documents which should give you all you need to consider investment. Right now I am trying to gain traction from the other side of this business: 10 Billion States.
Alternatively, go direct to the 10bs website here, https://www.youtube.com/user/jjvosper
If you were contacted as a writing group, pay attention to the sections on consortiums. It's likely that consortiums will play a part but I'm re-opening share options for primary investors. Programmers should check out the Follow the build link above for the job specs but read the company docs as well.